A Conversation with
Christina Johnson
God &
her memoirs
by Renata Brown
You may know Christina Johnson from the Reality TV Show Atlanta Exes. She was also married to rapper/singer Cee-Lo (formerly of NBC’s The Voice). However, Christina is so much more than that moniker.
I had a virtual sit down with her over the phone. Like many dynamic women Christina has many ventures. My first question was as a renaissance woman having overcame so much on your journey, yet you seem to constantly reinvent yourself; what is your best self-advice? What do you tell yourself to help to keep you motivated?
“The most important thing is self -care. Taking time to first make sure that you are well. Holistically, your mind, your body, and your spirit. As women we get busy taking care of our family, kids, business, trying to figure out what everyone else wants and needs and not taking time to care for ourselves.” That was a lesson I had to learn, now I take time out for myself. I’ve learned how to put myself first, well after God, then me.
So, I was reading all the things you do. Designing, Acting, Coaching, co-founder of a make-up line and more. Whew that’s a lot! Out of all the things you do if you could just pick one what would it be and why?
“If I could only choose one, I would choose life coaching. I get a chance to share my story and help others get their healing. We all have a light inside of us to share. We all need healing. Coaching allows me to help others align with their purposes. Teaching women how to love themselves and yes practice self-care. I recently completed a forty day fast to cleanse my body and my spirit. I need to be in-tune to be able to pour into others. Coaching is the most fulfilling thing I do.”
I know many people don’t believe in Resolutions. I personally don’t. Two weeks in and nobody is keeping them anyway. What is your New Year’s resolution or mantra you want to share for 2019?
I’m not really a resolution person either, but one of the Mantra’s that I live by, comes from Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou.
“People can’t hold a candle to the light
that God has given me,
I know who I am now.
I am God’s child.”
I really enjoyed speaking with you. What’s coming up for you in 2019?
“One of my main projects is my memoirs, Yes the whole story. It is set for spring/summer release. I conduct bi-annual weekend retreats. (Amazing Me, Amazing Life). Check out four of our lipstick shades currently available at Ashley Stewart. Let’s not forget the Ou Oui! Rum. I am the official Brand Ambassador. I’m looking forward to another amazing year!

Social Media
Website http://www.christinasjohnson.com/
IG: christinajohnson_
FB: Christina Johnson
Photo credit goes to Drea Nicole Photography, Makeup Artist (MUA) credit goes to Joyua Gibson, Wardrobe Stylist credit goes to Jewel Green. Make up line website www.befxmakeup.com, and four of our lipsticks are being sold at www.ashleystewart.com
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