Renata Brown
My Journey
Editor in Chief
Twice in the last week people have exclaimed I didn’t know you did that. I try not to take for granted my gifts and abilities. I feel like I’ve been a doctor, a lawyer and an Indian Chief.
So, I’m sitting here jotting down my story, thinking how to I encapsulate my journey in a couple of paragraphs? Do I story board the major events place them in a time line? It’s so much I want to share. I want to let you know you can survive, no you can thrive. I often have said my empathy comes from my shared experience from much of what you as a collective of humans have been through. Teen parent check, single mom check, chronic illnesses check, loss of a child check, raped check, college graduate check, homeless check, visual artist check, poet check, vocalist check, minister check, author check, publisher of magazines check, executive producer check, founder check, manager check, fired check. I think you get the idea.
Which part of this journey would I change is a question often asked? The better question I ask is what part of my journey would I let change me? There were certainly moments along the way that had I grasped the lesson would have, led to different outcomes. However; I learned there is no there it is about being authentic and being in alignment with your purpose. We often use the word purpose singularly when in fact purposes shift and evolve.
There are usually four to five question I pose when interviewing people for the magazine. So here goes I will pose the questions I think you might most want to know about me.
What is my best advice for those thinking about starting a business?
Study the market. Before I founded GANSPA (Gifted Artists Neo Soul & Poetry Awards), I participated and supported the arts community here in Atlanta for 10 years. I wanted a platform that would celebrate the excellence in the arts I saw on a regular basis. There was and still is no other show that focuses on Poets and Neo Soul artists in Georgia or any other State that have consistently had the high profile of the GANSPA Awards. Business 101 find a need and fulfill it. The most important thing is to START. Don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is not the final status, you can grow from your mistakes.
I wear a lot of hat if I could only choose one what would it be?
Whoo that’s hard. I’m a creative. My joy is expressing every gift and ability I have. However; If I had to choose one it would be motivational speaking. Connecting with an audience and effecting change is my greatest joy.
I’ve endured a lot of trauma. How do I keep going?
I have deep faith and believe that the Creator is ever with me. I believe that the energy that created the universe resides in me. That life can change on a dime. I am the poster child for hopeful.
What is a mantra I live by?
Each day is a new opportunity
What is next for me?
I have a few projects that will have a global impact. I’m super duper excited about the launch of DreamSpire TV. We will be in millions of homes a month. My book is dropping in May. This book will change lives. “Things I learned While Packing” -21 lessons to move you into alignment with your purposes.
Poem from the Book
I am a Traveler
I am a traveler...rested my head in so many beds in places of rent and other just nights spent. Leaving pieces of my essence scattered across your universe
I am a magician...I take my whole life and fold, roll and constrict into restricting spaces. Boxed taped and labeled hopes and dreams
I am a visionary...I see spaces and places that put the average mover to shame...yes it will fit...just shift...right to left...left for right...just shift ~