Renata Brown
Editor in Chief

From the Editor
Moving Forward
I wrote a whole book about moving. “Things I Learned While Packing”. One thing I do know is moving around does not always propel you forward. Going further requires at times making up for deficiencies. Your starting point maybe further back than others that’s why you cannot compare your journey to anyone else. You can only train and prepare for your race. Do the best to persevere, to obtain your goals. Moving forward always mean leaving behind something. Just make sure it’s the right something like bad habits and attitudes. I often recall the statement Wherever you go, there you are. To me this means you are carrying your same self into a different situation. “Forgetting those things that are behind. I press for the mark, for the prize for the high calling”. Let’s go…Free Overcoming Resistance Withstanding Adversities Resilient Determined.