How to Enjoy A Healthy Holistic Holiday
Isn’t it just amazing that 2021 is just a few days away. It seems like just yesterday we made resolutions to live our dreams in 2020. Now it’s time to align our frequency with our divine design in 2021. This year has brought about unprecedented changes that require the deepest introspective work to maintain a modicum of balance
The good news is, there is a bit more time to accomplish our goals in 2020 so that we can bring in the New Year fulfilled, inspired and with tools to transform any trauma into triumph! Sit back and take a deep breath and let’s dig in.
Above all, the most important factor to achieving anything is practice self-love. Release those old worn out opinions and guilty feelings about taking care of yourself because, even though, you’ve heard it a million times, for many of us, lack of self-worth and self-love is the source of pain that blocks our blessings.
Before you can receive anything; love, money, success, happiness, or anything else your heart desires, daily doses self-love for must become a healthy habit!!! In short, whatever happens in your life is up to you and you are responsible for the outcome! Reducing stress, anxiety, fear, anger and any other emotion is key to becoming the best you can be.
Now is the time to empower yourself with thoughts, words, and actions that inspire you, so that when we ring in 2021 your soul goals will be coming to you. If you are true to yourself, transitioning to the New Year will be a joy like never before because you will have created the foundation for a fabulous future. The suggested steps below are nothing new just a gentle reminder to support you on your path to perfection:
Remove any pressure to confirm to the norm. You don’t have to get caught up in the holiday hustle and bustle. Take time to visualize what a holistically healthy holiday and life means to you, set goals, write them out in full detail, and feel confident in welcoming them to you.
Creating a vision board of what you want in 2021 is a great tool to trigger the transformation.
Get Crafty-There are so many ideas that you can make for holiday cheer around your home and for gift-giving. Take the delicious vegan treat to the party and enjoy the surprised response of those who just thought you were weird. The precious time you spend to create goodies and gifts will bring love and joy especially to you and to everyone else.
Volunteer at any time of year. Service is secret sauce for success and happiness!
Clear out Clutter-Now this is a big one. Anything that is worn out or hasn’t been used does not support your spirit. Share these treasures with others by donating them to your favorite non-profit and gain a tax deduction as well.
Get your finances and business organized. Put your receipts, mileage and expenses in order. If you have investments, visit a tax consultant so that all possible deductions are accounted before the end of 2020.
Seek balance in your life by evaluating your daily environment. Commit to calm, constructive self-talk and communication that is encouraging to others. Avoid negative media, people and situations that aren’t supportive of your vision.
Live in Gratitude at all times! Challenges appear for our good. Life happens for us and not to us. Make the best of every situation because your attitude determines your altitude. Why not make 2021 a Holistically Healthy year, where you actually live your purpose and do what your heart, mind, body, and spirit is calling out to you?
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